
MICHELIN We Race For Change Challenge.

Welcome to the Michelin “We Race For Change Challenge” rules and regulations document.

This document contains all the in-game rules related to the 2024 We Race For Change Challenge competition. This document is up to date from the 7th of June 2024.

If necessary, this document might be edited/modified, and the latest version will replace the older one. Any change in the document will be communicated on the official website of the competition weraceforchange-challenge.com.

1. Competition structure

1.1 The Michelin “We Race For Change Challenge” is a competition with 2 challenges:

  1. A time trial event onsite the 24hrs of Le Mans Village, in the Michelin booth. Named as the “onsite challenge”.
  2. An online event available directly on Le Mans Ultimate - the official game of the competition. Named as the “online challenge”.

1.2 The period of time of the Michelin “We Race For Change Challenge” is the following (all times are in CEST) :

  • Le Mans Village opening hours from Tuesday 11th to Sunday 16th of June 2024 for the “onsite challenge”.
  • From Tuesday 11th to Monday 17th for the “online challenge”, natively in Le Mans Ultimate game in the “Beginner Daily Race” section of the game.

2. Entry conditions and requirements

2.1 To compete in the the Michelin “We Race For Change Challenge”, a driver needs to comply with the following:

To participate in the “online challenge”:

To participate in the “onsite challenge”:

  • Being aged a minimum of 13 years old.
  • Taller than 1m40.
  • Complete a valid laptime.

For both challenges, the participant needs to register itself on the official website available here, and complete its participation form.

2.2 The series administration reserves itself the right to prevent drivers from entering the series if it's deemed to be necessary from their point of view.

2.3 Decisions like these will typically be made based on a team's, team manager's or driver's conduct in other leagues, competitions.

3. Prizes

3.1 To claim its prize, the participant needs to comply the following conditions

  • To be 13 years old by June 11th.
  • Have registered an official time in the Le Mans Ultimate game and challenges.
  • Have completed its official registration on the website.

3.2 The prizes are :

For the “onsite competition”

  • 1st Place:
    • 2hrs of coaching by the Race Clutch Center team on Le Mans Ultimate, divided in 1h of driving techniques and 1h of tyre and fuel management for endurance racing.
    • Michelin goodies.
  • 2nd Place:
    • A Thrustmaster racing wheel rim.
    • Michelin goodies.
  • 3rd Place:
    • 100€ voucher available on Rseat.fr
    • Michelin goodies.

For the “online competition”

  • 1st Place:
    • 2hrs of coaching by the Race Clutch Center team on Le Mans Ultimate, divided in 1h of driving techniques and 1h of tyre and fuel management for endurance racing.
  • 2nd Place:
    • A Thrustmaster racing wheel rim.
  • 3rd Place:
    • 100€ voucher available on Rseat.fr

For the overall winner, determined as the driver who has set the fastest overall lap time on track across both challenges:

  • An Asetek La Prima racing bundle (incl. Wheel rim, wheel base and pedals).

For the top 10 of each challenges:

  • A ticket to participate in the online grand final of the Michelin We Race For Change Challenge.
  • More details around that finale will be given after the 24hrs of Le Mans to qualified participants.

All prizes should be distributed in 2024, and will be reported to a later date if external conditions do not allow the administration to put the events in place.

3.3 This list may be updated for time to time, may a partner be joining the Challenge and sharing additional prizes. All document modifications to be shared on the official website here.

3.4 If a participant does not comply to the conditions mentioned, then the driver after him in the final standings will receive the prize and so on until all prizes are distributed.

3.5 If a participant is classified in both the online and the onsite challenges, prize will be received for the best result of that participant in one of the challenges, and the open spot will be given to the next participant in the official classification until all rewards are distributed.

4. Driving Conducts & track limits

4.1 All drivers must comply with Le Mans Ultimate in-game rules and settings.

4.2 Track limits are defined by the game itself. And rules regarding track limits are the ones in-game.

4.3 A general guideline regarding track limits is the standard rule of having 2 tires at all time on-track. The track is defined by the white lines.

4.4 In case of a bug or issue in the game which leads into a major exploit, the administration reserves the right to update this document and share exact guidelines of the new regulations regarding track limits via the official website of the competition: put the link

5. General conducts

5.1 All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the organizers (and any of its affiliates), press, attendees, and other participants and comply with all applicable law and regulation at all times.

5.2 Participants shall not engage in conduct which the organizers deem to be harmful to the business, reputation or relationships of an individual or of their partners.

5.3 No forms of cheating, gameplay, gamesmanship or gaining an unfair advantage in any way will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • a) Hardware modification - Any modification made to a piece of hardware allowing it to function in a way the manufacturer did not intend. This includes adding or inserting anything not originally on the hardware configured by the organizers.
  • b) Hacking - Any modification made to the game or other software by any person other than by way of standard software patches or updates.
  • c) Exploiting game glitches - Intentionally using any in-game bug to seek an advantage. Exploiting is defined as utilizing any game function that, in the sole determination of the organizers, is not functioning as intended.
  • d) Impersonation (including playing under another driver’s account) - to be understood as playing under another driver’s account or soliciting, inducing, encouraging or directing someone else to play under another driver’s account.
  • e) Collusion - Any agreement among two (2) or more participants and/or other persons to affect any competition or race and/or opposing drivers.

5.4 Any other behavior as determined to be cheating, gameplay, gamesmanship or gaining an unfair advantage in any way by organizers.

5.5 Participants are responsible for notifying the organizers at the earliest opportunity of any form of cheating, gameplay, gamesmanship or gaining an unfair advantage by any other Participant that they know of.

5.6 Competitors must notify the organizers of any unfair exploits that they become aware of. Any Participant who is deemed, in the sole determination of the organizers, to have cheated or behaved in any way as described above may be penalized and/or disqualified.

5.7 No betting or gambling by any participant or anyone connected to any participant, is allowed under any circumstances. Moreover, no competitor or related person may benefit directly or indirectly from any betting or gambling.

5.8 Participants shall not offer or accept any gift or reward to or from anyone for services promised, rendered, or to be rendered in connection with the event.

5.9 Participants must be respectful of the staff involved in the tournament organizers, sponsors, and/or partners at all times. Participants must not use obscene gestures, language, or offensive comments, including:

  • a) Hate speech or discriminatory behavior - Participants may not use language that is deemed by the organizers to be obscene, foul, vulgar, insulting, threatening, abusive, libelous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise offensive or objectionable; or promote or incite hatred or discriminatory conduct, in or near any racing area, at any time, off or on broadcast. Participants may not use any facilities, services or equipment provided or made available by the organizers or its contractors to post, transmit, disseminate or otherwise make available any such prohibited communications. Participants may not use this type of language on social media or during any public facing events such as streaming.
  • b) Violent or physical aggression or behavior - abuse of the organizers, its affiliates, or other participants will not be tolerated.
  • c) Harassment of any kind - is strictly prohibited. Harassment is defined as systematic, hostile and repeated acts taking place over a considerable period of time, which are intended to isolate or ostracize a person and/or affect the dignity of the person
  • d) Discriminatory words, phrases, or gestures - Offending the dignity or integrity of a private person, or group of people, a team, a brand, a sponsor, a country, through contemptuous or discriminatory words or actions on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason will not be tolerated.
  • e) Trolling - Any participant who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. Any conduct that is deemed to be in violation of this Code of Conduct is punishable at the sole discretion of the organizers and may result in disqualification from the Alpine Esports Series.

5.10 Drivers and/or competitors posting negative, disruptive and brand damaging content on social media about the organizers, the game and their partners in general and/or any other participant, including but not limited to images and videos of game faults, may result in the participant (accordingly) being withdrawn from the Competition. Positive and engaging content is highly encouraged, as long as the content is from areas permitted by the organizers.

5.11 Rallying other drivers to forfeit the competition - Any drivers found to be instigating forfeits from other drivers will be removed. This includes creating group conversations on any platform asking other drivers to retire/forfeit.

6. On-track conduct & penalties

6.1 Drivers must respect at all time the rules of racing as determined within the Le Mans Ultimate game.

6.2 All rules and regulations for the “online event” and “onsite event” are the ones following the in-game rules set in Le Mans Ultimate game for the events.

6.3 For general guidelines, we do recommend participants to check the following link: https://community.lemansultimate.com/index.php?resources/

6.4 Penalties are only applied automatically via the systems available in-game. No other penalties are applicable expect if the behavior of the participants results in Article 5 breach.

7. Data and rights

7.1 Names, Symbols and Sponsors

The organizers reserve the right to forbid the use of unwanted or occupied names and symbols in their competitions. Any legally protected words or symbols are generally forbidden unless the owner gives the permission. No advertisement or promotion of sponsors that are solely or widely known for pornographic, drug use or other adult/mature themes and products is allowed.

Note to players: Once you have started the competition, please do not change your display/username during the event else your lap times might not be counted.

7.2 Confidentiality

Any and all communications between league participants and administrators are confidential and not to be made public by the participant without prior permission by the administration.

7.3 Rights of use

Race Clutch & Alpine Racing Limited reserves the right to use material from all of their competitions (i.e. pictures, videos, streams, replays, demos, screenshots, etc.).

7.4 Personal data might be shared to the organization for internal communication and external communication on social media related to the competition.

7.5 All information collected during the competition are registered in a data base by the administration. Those data are only collected for the administration of the competition and the communication around it.

7.6 Personal data is registered by the administration and can be communicated only internally to the organizers for the administration of the competition, in regards of the RGPD rules.

7.4 Personal data is conserved for a duration of 2 years and will be deleted from the administration data base after.

7.8 A participant can ask the access to its data, correct it or ask for deleting them at any time. To do so, the participant needs to contact the administration by put the method here and submit his request.

8. In game session settings – Online challenge

8.1 This section of the rulebook lists all in-game session settings that have not been brought up at an earlier point in this document.

Note that all pictures are only made for illustration purposes and final parameters may differ slightly from the pictures shown depending on game updates.

8.2 The “online challenge” will be available in this section of the game:

Rules Visual 1

8.3 The “online challenge” timings of the race will be available here:

Rules Visual 2

8.4 The “online challenge” will be a Beginner Daily Race, as a consequence, all assists will be available and all players are eligible in-game.

8.5 General parameters to be known are the following:

  • Cars: Porsche 963 HY, Ferrari 499P HY and Toyota GR010 HY.
  • Setups: fixed via in-game BoP.
  • Track: Le Mans, Circuit de la Sarthe.
  • Tyre wear: x7.
  • Weather: Slightly cloudy.

All parameters related to the event will be available in the in-game section.

9. In game session settings – onsite challenge

9.1 This section of the rulebook lists all in-game session settings that have not been brought up at an earlier point in this document.

Note that all pictures are only made for illustration purposes and final parameters may differ slightly from the pictures shown depending on game updates.

9.2 The general parameters of the events will be as follow:

Rules Visual 3

9.3 Difficulty parameters will be as follow:

Rules Visual 4

9.4 More detailed session parameters will be as follow:

Rules Visual 5

9.5 The weather will be setup as follow:

Rules Visual 6

9.6 Advanced parameters will be as follow:

Rules Visual 7

9.7 Others parameters to be known are the following:

  • Cars: Porsche 963 HY, Ferrari 499P HY and Toyota GR010 HY - each car will be displayed on 2 simulators (6 in total).
  • Setups: personalized via a custom BoP.
  • Track: Le Mans, Circuit de la Sarthe.

By entering into the event, every competitor is accepting those rules.