
Privacy policy



We are committed to building trust with our customers, and we are committed to protecting the privacy of visitors and users of our Offers in compliance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended, as well as with the Regulation. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR).

We respect the following principles:

  • We collect the data we need;
  • We process your data for explicit, legitimate and determined purposes
  • We keep your data for the time necessary to carry out the processing for which they were collected or, if this is the case, for the time required by law;
  • We only communicate your data to service providers who need to know it in the context of our activities.
  • We take care to implement appropriate security measures to ensure a high level of protection for your data.

Our Privacy Policy aims to inform you in a transparent way about how we collect and use your data and about your rights.

Our Privacy Policy applies to the site www.ultimateopenseries.com (hereinafter referred to as the "site") and to the use of the services offered by the site (hereinafter referred to as the Services").

By using our Services, you agree to the terms of this Policy. The latter is subject to change at any time, so we invite you to consult this page regularly.


When you use or access our Services, we may collect :

  • The data that you communicate directly to us, when you creating your account online, when you fill a form of contact or when you take part to online eSport competitions organized by MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN and its partners. These data can be, for example, your first name, last name, date of birth, email address, postal address, bank details, complaints, game history, etc. ;
  • Data that we obtain indirectly, in particular through cookies or tracers (and subject to your choices) when you browse our sites or when you are exposed to one of our advertisements broadcasts on third-party sites. This data can be, for example, your connection data, navigation data, IP address, preferences, and interest, etc.

When you fill out a form, the data marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and are necessary to process your requests.


3.1 Managing your online account and business relationship

We use your data to manage your player account, register for tournaments offered on the Site and support our business relationship.

The banking information that you communicate to us is processed for the needs of management of the transactions taking place on your online account. Your bank details (IBAN) are only used for the purpose of paying cashprizes won in tournaments shown in your bank account balance. With your prior consent, your credit card information may be stored to avoid you having to re-enter their information. Each transaction is processed by our PCI-DSS certified online payment provider (international security standard ensuring the confidentiality, security and integrity of credit card and transaction data).

To provide you the best follow-up and the best quality of service, we also process your data as part of the management of your requests and complaints with our Customer Service. In this context, we are also likely to carry out analyses of the requests formulated by our customers on our various contact channels (for example, email, social networks,) with the aim of improving the operational processing of those and of allowing us to have a more global vision of the reasons for satisfaction, dissatisfaction, contacts and complaints of our customers.

3.2 Information, commercial offers and newsletters

Depending on your choices, you may receive communications relating to the Services and information on MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN tournaments or proposals to participate in studies relating in particular to the evolution of our products and services. You may at any time object to receiving our offers and news or modify your choices by contacting us at the following email address: esport@gozulting.com

Subject to your prior consent, you may also receive offers and news from our partners. You can at any time oppose the reception of our offers and news or modify your choices by contacting us at the following email address: esport@gozulting.com

3.3 Instant Messaging

To support and improv customer relations, we may set up, on all or part of our Services, an instant messaging service allowing us to provide you with assistance, during your registration process.

This service uses cookies and JavaScript scripts. These files are placed and executed on your computer. They allow us to:

  • to obtain information about visitor activity on our Services
  • when you contact our customer service representatives through our instant messaging system, to allow them to view your navigation in real time to provide you the appropriate assistance.

At any time, you deactivate these cookies by following the procedures indicated in paragraph 7.3.1 “How to exercise your choices directly from our sites and applications?” of the Privacy Policy. However, we inform you that such deactivation is likely to prevent the use of certain features of our Offers.

The data collected, generated, and recorded as part of this service (in particular IP address and history of exchanges with our advisors) are intended for MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN for the purposes of managing customer relations, assisting with internet browsing and helping with registration. They are kept for one year from the time they are collected.

3.4 Social networks

We may collect some of your information when you browse our brands’ pages when you use the social networks services or when you use the social network services integrated into our Offers (authentication functionality for example). We mainly use this data to provide you with a personalized and social experience, to improve our quality of service and for advertising purposes.

However, we have no control over the use made of your data by social networks for their own behalf. As such, we invite you to consult the personal data protection policies of these social networks.

3.5 Studies and statistics

We may process your data for statistical or study purposes to develop our products and services and personalize our relations. In this context, your data may possibly be combined with other statistical or aggregated data from various third-party sources (in compliance with the French Data Protection Act).

3.6 Data transfer

You are informed that some of your data and information may be transmitted by MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN to countries outside the European Union.

These transfers are carried out in accordance with the legal requirements and recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) and may be subject to a specific legal framework to ensure a high level of protection and security for your data and information.


The data collected on our Services is intended exclusively for MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN. However, it may be transmitted to subcontracting companies (within the limits necessary for the accomplishment of the missions that we entrust to them) or, subject to your prior authorization, to partner companies.

We require our subcontractors to apply strict rules for the protection of personal data in accordance with applicable French and European laws and regulations.


  • Data necessary to manage your online account : 6 years from the closing of your player account (legal obligation)
  • Cookies and trackers MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN:Maximum 13 months

In addition, certain financial data may be kept for a maximum period of 10 years from the end of the fiscal year in accordance with the legal limitation period applicable in accounting matters.


We ensure that we implement appropriate technical, physical and organizational controls to ensure the security and confidentiality of your data, including protecting it from loss, accidental destruction, alteration, and unauthorized access.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you protect your player account password and not share it with anyone. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible by contacting our Customer Service.

In addition, your payment information is managed by our PCI DSS-certified online payment provider (international security standard ensuring the confidentiality, security and integrity of credit card and transaction data).


7.1 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that may be deposited and saved in a space on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device optimized for the Internet) when you visit an online service. It allows the issuer of the cookie to identify the terminal in which it was saved and to keep in memory, during the period of validity of this cookie, certain information relating to your journey in order, for example, to simplify your navigation on a website, to secure your connection or to adapt the content of a page to your interests.

Other technologies with similar functionality may also be used, particularly in environments that do not support cookies, such as mobile applications. The term "cookies" used in our Privacy Policy applies to all such technologies.

These cookies can come from different issuers:

  • MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN cookies: these are cookies that may be placed by MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN on your terminal during your navigation on our sites and applications. These cookies allow us to personalize and continually improve your experience on our sites and applications.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies that may be placed by third-party companies (for example advertising agencies, social networks, MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN  partners, etc.) on your terminal while you are browsing our sites and applications. They allow these third-party companies, during the period of validity of their cookies: to identify your interests, to collect information on navigation related to the consultation of our sites and applications and to customize advertising likely to correspond to your interests and user profile that you may be exposed to on our sites and applications


  • How our services work:
    These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of our sites and applications. They allow you to navigate on our sites and applications and to use their features.
    If you have chosen to deactivate these cookies via your internet browser, access to and/or use of our sites and applications may be altered. We advise you to leave them activated to take full advantage of our services and your navigation on our digital spaces.

7.3 How to manage cookies?

The recording of a cookie on your terminal is subject to your will, which you can express and/or modify at any time. In this respect, you have different ways to manage cookies.

Please note, that if you refuse the registration of cookies necessary for the operation of our sites and applications or if you delete those stored in your terminal, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of function necessary for optimal browsing of our sites and applications (for example, cookies enabling us to recognize the type of browser used by your device, its language and display settings or the country from which your device seems to be connected to the Internet). If necessary, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from our impossibility of recording or consulting the cookies necessary for the proper functioning of our sites and applications.

7.3.1 How to exercise your choices directly from our sites and applications?

At any time, you can adjust your choices regarding the cookies that may be deposited by MANUFACTURE FRANCAISE DES PNEUMATIQUES MICHELIN from the link "Cookies" at the bottom of our website.

7.3.2 How to exercise your choices from your web browser?

You can configure your internet browser so that cookies are saved in your terminal, or on the contrary, that they are rejected systematically or according to their issuer.

You can also configure your browser so that you are asked to accept or reject cookies before a cookie is stored on your computer.

To express or revoke your choices regarding cookies, we invite you to configure your browser.

If you share the use of your terminal with others or if you use multiple browsers from the same device, we cannot be sure that services and advertisements directed to your device correspond to your own use of that device and not to that of another user.


In accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to personal data, you have a right to limit the processing of your data, a right to object, access, portability, rectification, and deletion of your data. You can exercise your rights by sending a written request to esport@gozulting.com.

In accordance with article 85 of the French Data Protection Act, you have the option of leaving specific instructions regarding the management of your personal data after your death. This allows you to designate a trusted person of your choice who will be able to access your personal data, close your player account, etc. If you wish to exercise this right, you may request it from us via the email address esport@gozulting.com.

Please note, however, that this right does not allow you to give instructions on the payment of the balance of your player account following your death. Any request concerning the settlement of the estate must be made through a notary upon written request to our Customer Service who will forward it to the appropriate department. For more information on personal data and your rights, you can also consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés.


This Privacy Policy is governed by French law and will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with that law. Any dispute to which it may give rise as to its interpretation or execution shall be submitted to the Commercial Court of Clermont-Ferrand.